Module reclab.recommenders.libfm
A wrapper for the LibFM recommender. See for implementation details.
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"""A wrapper for the LibFM recommender. See for implementation details."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import wpyfm
from . import recommender
class LibFM(recommender.PredictRecommender):
"""The libFM recommendation model which is a factorization machine.
num_user_features : int
The number of features that describe each user.
num_item_features : int
The number of features that describe each item.
num_rating_features : int
The number of features that describe the context in which each rating occurs.
max_num_users : int
The maximum number of users that we will be making predictions for. Note that
setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance.
max_num_items : int
The maximum number of items that we will be making predictions for. Note that
setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance.
method : str
The method to learn parameters. Can be one of: 'sgd', 'sgda', or 'mcmc'.
use_global_bias : bool
Whether to use a global bias term.
use_one_way : bool
Whether to use one way interactions.
num_two_way_factors : int
The number of factors to use for the two way interactions.
learning_rate : float
The learning rate for sgd or sgda.
reg : float
The regularization across all parameters. Will be overwritten for their respective
parameters if bias_reg, one_way_reg, or two_way_reg is not None.
bias_reg : float
The regularization for the global bias.
one_way_reg : float
The regularization for the one-way interactions.
two_way_reg : float
The regularization for the two-way interactions.
init_stdev : float
Standard deviation for initialization of the 2-way factors.
num_iter : int
The number of iterations to train the model for.
seed : int
The random seed to use when training the model.
def __init__(self,
"""Create a LibFM recommender."""
if bias_reg is None:
bias_reg = reg
if one_way_reg is None:
one_way_reg = reg
if two_way_reg is None:
two_way_reg = reg
self._max_num_users = max_num_users
self._max_num_items = max_num_items
self._train_data = None
self._num_features = (self._max_num_users + num_user_features + self._max_num_items +
num_item_features + num_rating_features)
self._model = wpyfm.PyFM(method=method,
dim=(use_global_bias, use_one_way, num_two_way_factors),
reg=(bias_reg, one_way_reg, two_way_reg),
self._has_xt = method in ('mcmc', 'als')
# We only want the function arguments so remove class related objects.
del self._hyperparameters['self']
del self._hyperparameters['__class__']
# Each row of rating_inputs has the following structure:
# (user_id, user_features, item_id, item_features, rating_features).
# Where user_id and item_id are one hot encoded.
rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((0, self._num_features))
# Each row of rating_outputs consists of the numerical value assigned to that interaction.
rating_outputs = np.empty((0,))
self._train_data = wpyfm.Data(rating_inputs, rating_outputs, has_xt=self._has_xt)
def name(self): # noqa: D102
return 'libfm'
def reset(self, users=None, items=None, ratings=None): # noqa: D102
rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((0, self._num_features))
rating_outputs = np.empty((0,))
self._train_data = wpyfm.Data(rating_inputs, rating_outputs, has_xt=self._has_xt)
super().reset(users, items, ratings)
def update(self, users=None, items=None, ratings=None): # noqa: D102
super().update(users, items, ratings)
if ratings is not None:
data = []
row_col = [[], []]
new_rating_outputs = []
# TODO: create internal _update function for dealing with inner ids
for row, ((user_id_outer, item_id_outer),
(rating, rating_context)) in enumerate(ratings.items()):
user_id = self._outer_to_inner_uid[user_id_outer]
item_id = self._outer_to_inner_iid[item_id_outer]
user_features = self._users[user_id]
item_features = self._items[item_id]
for i, feature in enumerate(user_features):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + i)
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + item_id)
for i, feature in enumerate(item_features):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) +
self._max_num_items + i)
for i, feature in enumerate(rating_context):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) +
self._max_num_items + len(item_features) + i)
new_rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, row_col),
shape=(len(ratings), self._num_features))
new_rating_outputs = np.array(new_rating_outputs)
# TODO: We need to account for when the same rating gets added again. Right now
# this will just add duplicate rows with different ratings.
self._train_data.add_rows(new_rating_inputs, new_rating_outputs)
def _predict(self, user_item): # noqa: D102
# Create a test_inputs array that can be parsed by our output function.
test_inputs = []
data = []
row_col = [[], []]
for row, (user_id, item_id, rating_context) in enumerate(user_item):
user_features = self._users[user_id]
item_features = self._items[item_id]
for i, feature in enumerate(user_features):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + i)
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + item_id)
for i, feature in enumerate(item_features):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) +
self._max_num_items + i)
for i, feature in enumerate(rating_context):
row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) +
self._max_num_items + len(item_features) + i)
test_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, row_col),
shape=(len(user_item), self._num_features))
test_data = wpyfm.Data(test_inputs, np.zeros(test_inputs.shape[0]), has_xt=self._has_xt)
if self._has_xt:
self._model.train(self._train_data, test=test_data)
predictions = self._model.predict(test_data)
return predictions
def model_parameters(self):
"""Train a libfm model and get the resulting model's parameters.
The degree-2 factorization machine model predicts a rating by
r(x) = b_0 + w^T x + Ind(j = i) Ind(k = u) V_j^T V_k
where b_0 is the global bias, w is the weights, and
V is the pairwise interactions with dimension k * (m+n)
V_j is the j^th row of V
x is defined as the concatenation of two one-hot encodings e_i and e_u,
and w^T x correpond to the user and item biases.
global_bias : float
Global bias term in the model.
weights : np.ndarray
Linear terms in the model (related to user/item biases).
pairwise_interactions : np.ndarray
Interaction term in the model (related to user/item factors).
return self._model.parameters()
class LibFM (num_user_features, num_item_features, num_rating_features, max_num_users, max_num_items, method='sgd', use_global_bias=True, use_one_way=True, num_two_way_factors=8, learning_rate=0.1, reg=0.0, bias_reg=None, one_way_reg=None, two_way_reg=None, init_stdev=0.1, num_iter=100, seed=0, **kwargs)
The libFM recommendation model which is a factorization machine.
- The number of features that describe each user.
- The number of features that describe each item.
- The number of features that describe the context in which each rating occurs.
- The maximum number of users that we will be making predictions for. Note that setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance.
- The maximum number of items that we will be making predictions for. Note that setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance.
- The method to learn parameters. Can be one of: 'sgd', 'sgda', or 'mcmc'.
- Whether to use a global bias term.
- Whether to use one way interactions.
- The number of factors to use for the two way interactions.
- The learning rate for sgd or sgda.
- The regularization across all parameters. Will be overwritten for their respective parameters if bias_reg, one_way_reg, or two_way_reg is not None.
- The regularization for the global bias.
- The regularization for the one-way interactions.
- The regularization for the two-way interactions.
- Standard deviation for initialization of the 2-way factors.
- The number of iterations to train the model for.
- The random seed to use when training the model.
Create a LibFM recommender.
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class LibFM(recommender.PredictRecommender): """The libFM recommendation model which is a factorization machine. Parameters ---------- num_user_features : int The number of features that describe each user. num_item_features : int The number of features that describe each item. num_rating_features : int The number of features that describe the context in which each rating occurs. max_num_users : int The maximum number of users that we will be making predictions for. Note that setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance. max_num_items : int The maximum number of items that we will be making predictions for. Note that setting this value to be too large will lead to a degradation in performance. method : str The method to learn parameters. Can be one of: 'sgd', 'sgda', or 'mcmc'. use_global_bias : bool Whether to use a global bias term. use_one_way : bool Whether to use one way interactions. num_two_way_factors : int The number of factors to use for the two way interactions. learning_rate : float The learning rate for sgd or sgda. reg : float The regularization across all parameters. Will be overwritten for their respective parameters if bias_reg, one_way_reg, or two_way_reg is not None. bias_reg : float The regularization for the global bias. one_way_reg : float The regularization for the one-way interactions. two_way_reg : float The regularization for the two-way interactions. init_stdev : float Standard deviation for initialization of the 2-way factors. num_iter : int The number of iterations to train the model for. seed : int The random seed to use when training the model. """ def __init__(self, num_user_features, num_item_features, num_rating_features, max_num_users, max_num_items, method='sgd', use_global_bias=True, use_one_way=True, num_two_way_factors=8, learning_rate=0.1, reg=0.0, bias_reg=None, one_way_reg=None, two_way_reg=None, init_stdev=0.1, num_iter=100, seed=0, **kwargs): """Create a LibFM recommender.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) if bias_reg is None: bias_reg = reg if one_way_reg is None: one_way_reg = reg if two_way_reg is None: two_way_reg = reg self._max_num_users = max_num_users self._max_num_items = max_num_items self._train_data = None self._num_features = (self._max_num_users + num_user_features + self._max_num_items + num_item_features + num_rating_features) self._model = wpyfm.PyFM(method=method, dim=(use_global_bias, use_one_way, num_two_way_factors), lr=learning_rate, reg=(bias_reg, one_way_reg, two_way_reg), init_stdev=init_stdev, num_iter=num_iter, seed=seed) self._hyperparameters.update(locals()) self._has_xt = method in ('mcmc', 'als') # We only want the function arguments so remove class related objects. del self._hyperparameters['self'] del self._hyperparameters['__class__'] # Each row of rating_inputs has the following structure: # (user_id, user_features, item_id, item_features, rating_features). # Where user_id and item_id are one hot encoded. rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((0, self._num_features)) # Each row of rating_outputs consists of the numerical value assigned to that interaction. rating_outputs = np.empty((0,)) self._train_data = wpyfm.Data(rating_inputs, rating_outputs, has_xt=self._has_xt) @property def name(self): # noqa: D102 return 'libfm' def reset(self, users=None, items=None, ratings=None): # noqa: D102 rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((0, self._num_features)) rating_outputs = np.empty((0,)) self._train_data = wpyfm.Data(rating_inputs, rating_outputs, has_xt=self._has_xt) super().reset(users, items, ratings) def update(self, users=None, items=None, ratings=None): # noqa: D102 super().update(users, items, ratings) if ratings is not None: data = [] row_col = [[], []] new_rating_outputs = [] # TODO: create internal _update function for dealing with inner ids for row, ((user_id_outer, item_id_outer), (rating, rating_context)) in enumerate(ratings.items()): user_id = self._outer_to_inner_uid[user_id_outer] item_id = self._outer_to_inner_iid[item_id_outer] user_features = self._users[user_id] item_features = self._items[item_id] row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(user_id) data.append(1) for i, feature in enumerate(user_features): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + i) data.append(feature) row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + item_id) data.append(1) for i, feature in enumerate(item_features): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + self._max_num_items + i) data.append(feature) for i, feature in enumerate(rating_context): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + self._max_num_items + len(item_features) + i) data.append(feature) new_rating_outputs.append(rating) new_rating_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, row_col), shape=(len(ratings), self._num_features)) new_rating_outputs = np.array(new_rating_outputs) # TODO: We need to account for when the same rating gets added again. Right now # this will just add duplicate rows with different ratings. self._train_data.add_rows(new_rating_inputs, new_rating_outputs) def _predict(self, user_item): # noqa: D102 # Create a test_inputs array that can be parsed by our output function. test_inputs = [] data = [] row_col = [[], []] for row, (user_id, item_id, rating_context) in enumerate(user_item): user_features = self._users[user_id] item_features = self._items[item_id] row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(user_id) data.append(1) for i, feature in enumerate(user_features): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + i) data.append(feature) row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + item_id) data.append(1) for i, feature in enumerate(item_features): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + self._max_num_items + i) data.append(feature) for i, feature in enumerate(rating_context): row_col[0].append(row) row_col[1].append(self._max_num_users + len(user_features) + self._max_num_items + len(item_features) + i) data.append(feature) test_inputs = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, row_col), shape=(len(user_item), self._num_features)) test_data = wpyfm.Data(test_inputs, np.zeros(test_inputs.shape[0]), has_xt=self._has_xt) if self._has_xt: self._model.train(self._train_data, test=test_data) else: self._model.train(self._train_data) predictions = self._model.predict(test_data) return predictions def model_parameters(self): """Train a libfm model and get the resulting model's parameters. The degree-2 factorization machine model predicts a rating by r(x) = b_0 + w^T x + Ind(j = i) Ind(k = u) V_j^T V_k where b_0 is the global bias, w is the weights, and V is the pairwise interactions with dimension k * (m+n) V_j is the j^th row of V x is defined as the concatenation of two one-hot encodings e_i and e_u, and w^T x correpond to the user and item biases. Returns ------- global_bias : float Global bias term in the model. weights : np.ndarray Linear terms in the model (related to user/item biases). pairwise_interactions : np.ndarray Interaction term in the model (related to user/item factors). """ self._model.train(self._train_data) return self._model.parameters()
- PredictRecommender
- Recommender
- abc.ABC
def model_parameters(self)
Train a libfm model and get the resulting model's parameters.
The degree-2 factorization machine model predicts a rating by
r(x) = b_0 + w^T x + Ind(j = i) Ind(k = u) V_j^T V_k
where b_0 is the global bias, w is the weights, and V is the pairwise interactions with dimension k * (m+n) V_j is the j^th row of V x is defined as the concatenation of two one-hot encodings e_i and e_u, and w^T x correpond to the user and item biases.
- Global bias term in the model.
- Linear terms in the model (related to user/item biases).
pairwise_interactions : np.ndarray
- Interaction term in the model (related to user/item factors).
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def model_parameters(self): """Train a libfm model and get the resulting model's parameters. The degree-2 factorization machine model predicts a rating by r(x) = b_0 + w^T x + Ind(j = i) Ind(k = u) V_j^T V_k where b_0 is the global bias, w is the weights, and V is the pairwise interactions with dimension k * (m+n) V_j is the j^th row of V x is defined as the concatenation of two one-hot encodings e_i and e_u, and w^T x correpond to the user and item biases. Returns ------- global_bias : float Global bias term in the model. weights : np.ndarray Linear terms in the model (related to user/item biases). pairwise_interactions : np.ndarray Interaction term in the model (related to user/item factors). """ self._model.train(self._train_data) return self._model.parameters()
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