Module reclab.environments.topics
Contains the implementation for the Topics environment.
In this environment users have a hidden preference for each topic and each item has a hidden topic assigned to it.
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"""Contains the implementation for the Topics environment.
In this environment users have a hidden preference for each topic and each item has a
hidden topic assigned to it.
import collections
import numpy as np
from . import environment
class Topics(environment.DictEnvironment):
"""An environment where items have a single topic and users prefer certain topics.
The user preference for any given topic is initialized as Unif(0.5, 5.5) while
topics are uniformly assigned to items. Users will rate items as clip(p + e, 0, 5)
where p is their preference for a given topic and e ~ N(0, self._noise). Users will
also have a changing preference for topics they get recommended based on the topic_change
num_topics : int
The number of topics items can be assigned to.
num_users : int
The number of users in the environment.
num_items : int
The number of items in the environment.
rating_frequency : float
The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step.
Must be between 0 and 1.
num_init_ratings : int
The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected.
noise : float
The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings.
topic_change : float
How much the user's preference for a topic changes each time that topic is recommended
to them. The negative of topic_change gets split across all other topics as well.
memory_length : int
The number of recent topics a user remembers which affect the rating
boredom_threshold : int
The number of times a topics has to be seen within the memory to gain a
boredom_penalty : float
The penalty on the rating when a user is bored
user_dist_choice : str
The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of
online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal.
shift_steps : int
The number of timesteps to wait between each user preference shift.
shift_frequency : float
The proportion of users whose preference we wish to change during a preference shift.
shift_weight : float
The weight to assign to a user's new preferences after a preference shift.
User's old preferences get assigned a weight of 1 - shift_weight.
def __init__(self,
"""Create a Topics environment."""
super().__init__(rating_frequency, num_init_ratings, memory_length, user_dist_choice)
self._num_topics = num_topics
self._num_users = num_users
self._num_items = num_items
self._topic_change = topic_change
self._noise = noise
self._user_preferences = None
self._item_topics = None
self._boredom_threshold = boredom_threshold
self._boredom_penalty = boredom_penalty
self._shift_steps = shift_steps
self._shift_frequency = shift_frequency
self._shift_weight = shift_weight
def name(self): # noqa: D102
return 'topics'
def _get_dense_ratings(self): # noqa: D102
ratings = np.zeros([self._num_users, self._num_items])
for item_id in range(self._num_items):
topic = self._item_topics[item_id]
ratings[:, item_id] = self._user_preferences[:, topic]
# Account for boredom.
for user_id in range(self._num_users):
recent_topics = [self._item_topics[item] for item in self._user_histories[user_id]]
recent_topics, counts = np.unique(recent_topics, return_counts=True)
recent_topics = recent_topics[counts > self._boredom_threshold]
for topic_id in recent_topics:
ratings[user_id, self._item_topics == topic_id] -= self._boredom_penalty
return ratings
def _get_rating(self, user_id, item_id): # noqa: D102
topic = self._item_topics[item_id]
rating = self._user_preferences[user_id, topic]
recent_topics = [self._item_topics[item] for item in self._user_histories[user_id]]
if recent_topics.count(topic) > self._boredom_threshold:
rating -= self._boredom_penalty
rating = np.clip(rating + self._dynamics_random.randn() * self._noise, 1, 5)
return rating
def _rate_item(self, user_id, item_id): # noqa: D102
rating = self._get_rating(user_id, item_id)
# Updating underlying preference
topic = self._item_topics[item_id]
preference = self._user_preferences[user_id, topic]
if preference <= 5:
self._user_preferences[user_id, topic] += self._topic_change
not_topic = np.arange(self._num_topics) != topic
self._user_preferences[user_id, not_topic] -= (
self._topic_change / (self._num_topics - 1))
return rating
def _reset_state(self): # noqa: D102
self._user_preferences = self._init_random.uniform(low=0.5, high=5.5,
size=(self._num_users, self._num_topics))
self._item_topics = self._init_random.choice(self._num_topics, size=self._num_items)
self._users = collections.OrderedDict((user_id, np.zeros(0))
for user_id in range(self._num_users))
self._items = collections.OrderedDict((item_id, np.zeros(0))
for item_id in range(self._num_items))
def _update_state(self): # noqa: D102
if self._timestep % self._shift_steps == 0:
# Apply the preference shift to a fraction of users.
shifted_users = self._dynamics_random.choice(
self._num_users, int(self._num_users * self._shift_frequency))
new_preferences = self._init_random.uniform(low=0.5, high=5.5,
size=(len(shifted_users), self._num_topics))
self._user_preferences[shifted_users] = (
self._shift_weight * self._user_preferences[shifted_users] +
(1 - self._shift_weight) * new_preferences)
return collections.OrderedDict(), collections.OrderedDict()
class Topics (num_topics, num_users, num_items, rating_frequency=1.0, num_init_ratings=0, noise=0.0, topic_change=0.0, memory_length=0, boredom_threshold=0, boredom_penalty=0.0, user_dist_choice='uniform', shift_steps=1, shift_frequency=0.0, shift_weight=0.0)
An environment where items have a single topic and users prefer certain topics.
The user preference for any given topic is initialized as Unif(0.5, 5.5) while topics are uniformly assigned to items. Users will rate items as clip(p + e, 0, 5) where p is their preference for a given topic and e ~ N(0, self._noise). Users will also have a changing preference for topics they get recommended based on the topic_change parameter.
- The number of topics items can be assigned to.
- The number of users in the environment.
- The number of items in the environment.
- The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step. Must be between 0 and 1.
- The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected.
- The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings.
- How much the user's preference for a topic changes each time that topic is recommended to them. The negative of topic_change gets split across all other topics as well.
- The number of recent topics a user remembers which affect the rating
- The number of times a topics has to be seen within the memory to gain a penalty.
- The penalty on the rating when a user is bored
- The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal.
- The number of timesteps to wait between each user preference shift.
- The proportion of users whose preference we wish to change during a preference shift.
- The weight to assign to a user's new preferences after a preference shift. User's old preferences get assigned a weight of 1 - shift_weight.
Create a Topics environment.
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class Topics(environment.DictEnvironment): """An environment where items have a single topic and users prefer certain topics. The user preference for any given topic is initialized as Unif(0.5, 5.5) while topics are uniformly assigned to items. Users will rate items as clip(p + e, 0, 5) where p is their preference for a given topic and e ~ N(0, self._noise). Users will also have a changing preference for topics they get recommended based on the topic_change parameter. Parameters ---------- num_topics : int The number of topics items can be assigned to. num_users : int The number of users in the environment. num_items : int The number of items in the environment. rating_frequency : float The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step. Must be between 0 and 1. num_init_ratings : int The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected. noise : float The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings. topic_change : float How much the user's preference for a topic changes each time that topic is recommended to them. The negative of topic_change gets split across all other topics as well. memory_length : int The number of recent topics a user remembers which affect the rating boredom_threshold : int The number of times a topics has to be seen within the memory to gain a penalty. boredom_penalty : float The penalty on the rating when a user is bored user_dist_choice : str The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal. shift_steps : int The number of timesteps to wait between each user preference shift. shift_frequency : float The proportion of users whose preference we wish to change during a preference shift. shift_weight : float The weight to assign to a user's new preferences after a preference shift. User's old preferences get assigned a weight of 1 - shift_weight. """ def __init__(self, num_topics, num_users, num_items, rating_frequency=1.0, num_init_ratings=0, noise=0.0, topic_change=0.0, memory_length=0, boredom_threshold=0, boredom_penalty=0.0, user_dist_choice='uniform', shift_steps=1, shift_frequency=0.0, shift_weight=0.0): """Create a Topics environment.""" super().__init__(rating_frequency, num_init_ratings, memory_length, user_dist_choice) self._num_topics = num_topics self._num_users = num_users self._num_items = num_items self._topic_change = topic_change self._noise = noise self._user_preferences = None self._item_topics = None self._boredom_threshold = boredom_threshold self._boredom_penalty = boredom_penalty self._shift_steps = shift_steps self._shift_frequency = shift_frequency self._shift_weight = shift_weight @property def name(self): # noqa: D102 return 'topics' def _get_dense_ratings(self): # noqa: D102 ratings = np.zeros([self._num_users, self._num_items]) for item_id in range(self._num_items): topic = self._item_topics[item_id] ratings[:, item_id] = self._user_preferences[:, topic] # Account for boredom. for user_id in range(self._num_users): recent_topics = [self._item_topics[item] for item in self._user_histories[user_id]] recent_topics, counts = np.unique(recent_topics, return_counts=True) recent_topics = recent_topics[counts > self._boredom_threshold] for topic_id in recent_topics: ratings[user_id, self._item_topics == topic_id] -= self._boredom_penalty return ratings def _get_rating(self, user_id, item_id): # noqa: D102 topic = self._item_topics[item_id] rating = self._user_preferences[user_id, topic] recent_topics = [self._item_topics[item] for item in self._user_histories[user_id]] if recent_topics.count(topic) > self._boredom_threshold: rating -= self._boredom_penalty rating = np.clip(rating + self._dynamics_random.randn() * self._noise, 1, 5) return rating def _rate_item(self, user_id, item_id): # noqa: D102 rating = self._get_rating(user_id, item_id) # Updating underlying preference topic = self._item_topics[item_id] preference = self._user_preferences[user_id, topic] if preference <= 5: self._user_preferences[user_id, topic] += self._topic_change not_topic = np.arange(self._num_topics) != topic self._user_preferences[user_id, not_topic] -= ( self._topic_change / (self._num_topics - 1)) return rating def _reset_state(self): # noqa: D102 self._user_preferences = self._init_random.uniform(low=0.5, high=5.5, size=(self._num_users, self._num_topics)) self._item_topics = self._init_random.choice(self._num_topics, size=self._num_items) self._users = collections.OrderedDict((user_id, np.zeros(0)) for user_id in range(self._num_users)) self._items = collections.OrderedDict((item_id, np.zeros(0)) for item_id in range(self._num_items)) def _update_state(self): # noqa: D102 if self._timestep % self._shift_steps == 0: # Apply the preference shift to a fraction of users. shifted_users = self._dynamics_random.choice( self._num_users, int(self._num_users * self._shift_frequency)) new_preferences = self._init_random.uniform(low=0.5, high=5.5, size=(len(shifted_users), self._num_topics)) self._user_preferences[shifted_users] = ( self._shift_weight * self._user_preferences[shifted_users] + (1 - self._shift_weight) * new_preferences) return collections.OrderedDict(), collections.OrderedDict()
- DictEnvironment
- Environment
- abc.ABC
Inherited members