Module reclab.environments.latent_factors
Contains the implementation for the Latent Behavior environment.
In this environment users and items both have latent vectors, and the rating is determined by the inner product. Users and item both have bias terms, and there is an underlying bias as well.
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"""Contains the implementation for the Latent Behavior environment.
In this environment users and items both have latent vectors, and
the rating is determined by the inner product. Users and item both
have bias terms, and there is an underlying bias as well.
import collections
import json
import os
import numpy as np
from . import environment
from .. import data_utils
from ..recommenders import LibFM
class LatentFactorBehavior(environment.DictEnvironment):
"""An environment where users and items have latent factors and biases.
Ratings are generated as
r = clip( <p_u, q_i> + b_u + b_i + b_0 )
where p_u is a user's latent factor, q_i is an item's latent factor,
b_u is a user bias, b_i is an item bias, and b_0 is a global bias.
latent_dim : int
Size of latent factors p, q.
num_users : int
The number of users in the environment.
num_items : int
The number of items in the environment.
rating_frequency : float
The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step.
Must be between 0 and 1.
num_init_ratings : int
The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected.
noise : float
The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings.
affinity_change : float
How much the user's latent factor is shifted towards that of an item.
memory_length : int
The number of recent items a user remembers which affect the rating.
boredom_threshold : int
The size of the inner product between a new item and an item in the
user's history to trigger a boredom response.
boredom_penalty : float
The factor on the penalty on the rating when a user is bored. The penalty
is the average of the values which exceed the boredom_threshold, and the decrease
in rating is the penalty multiplied by this factor.
user_dist_choice : str
The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of
online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal.
def __init__(self, latent_dim, num_users, num_items,
rating_frequency=0.02, num_init_ratings=0,
noise=0.0, memory_length=0, affinity_change=0.0,
boredom_threshold=0, boredom_penalty=0.0, user_dist_choice='uniform'):
"""Create a Latent Factor environment."""
super().__init__(rating_frequency, num_init_ratings, memory_length, user_dist_choice)
self._latent_dim = latent_dim
self._num_users = num_users
self._num_items = num_items
self._noise = noise
self._affinity_change = affinity_change
self._boredom_threshold = boredom_threshold
self._boredom_penalty = boredom_penalty
if self._memory_length > 0:
self._boredom_penalty /= self._memory_length
self._user_factors = None
self._user_biases = None
self._item_factors = None
self._item_biases = None
self._offset = None
def name(self):
"""Name of environment, used for saving."""
return 'latent'
def _get_dense_ratings(self): # noqa: D102
ratings = (self._user_factors @ self._item_factors.T + self._user_biases[:, np.newaxis] +
self._item_biases[np.newaxis, :] + self._offset)
# Compute the boredom penalties.
item_norms = np.linalg.norm(self._item_factors, axis=1)
normalized_items = self._item_factors / item_norms[:, np.newaxis]
similarities = normalized_items @ normalized_items.T
similarities -= self._boredom_threshold
similarities[similarities < 0] = 0
penalties = self._boredom_penalty * similarities
for user_id in range(self._num_users):
for item_id in self._user_histories[user_id]:
if item_id is not None:
ratings[user_id] -= penalties[item_id]
return ratings
def _get_rating(self, user_id, item_id):
"""Compute user's rating of item based on model.
user_id : int
The id of the user making the rating.
item_id : int
The id of the item being rated.
rating : int
The rating the item was given by the user.
raw_rating = (self._user_factors[user_id] @ self._item_factors[item_id]
+ self._user_biases[user_id] + self._item_biases[item_id] + self._offset)
# Compute the boredom penalty.
boredom_penalty = 0
for item_id_hist in self._user_histories[user_id]:
item_factor = self._item_factors[item_id_hist]
if item_factor is not None:
similarity = ((self._item_factors[item_id] @ item_factor)
/ np.linalg.norm(item_factor)
/ np.linalg.norm(self._item_factors[item_id]))
if similarity > self._boredom_threshold:
boredom_penalty += (similarity - self._boredom_threshold)
boredom_penalty *= self._boredom_penalty
rating = np.clip(raw_rating - boredom_penalty + self._dynamics_random.randn() *
self._noise, 1, 5)
return rating
def _rate_item(self, user_id, item_id):
"""Get a user to rate an item and update the internal rating state.
user_id : int
The id of the user making the rating.
item_id : int
The id of the item being rated.
rating : int
The rating the item was given by the user.
rating = self._get_rating(user_id, item_id)
# Updating underlying affinity
self._user_factors[user_id] = ((1.0 - self._affinity_change) * self._user_factors[user_id]
+ self._affinity_change * self._item_factors[item_id])
return rating
def _reset_state(self):
"""Reset the state of the environment."""
user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset = self._generate_latent_factors()
self._user_factors = user_factors
self._user_biases = user_bias
self._item_factors = item_factors
self._item_biases = item_bias
self._offset = offset
self._users = collections.OrderedDict((user_id, np.zeros(0))
for user_id in range(self._num_users))
self._items = collections.OrderedDict((item_id, np.zeros(0))
for item_id in range(self._num_items))
def _generate_latent_factors(self):
"""Generate random latent factors."""
# Initialization size determined such that ratings generally fall in 0-5 range
factor_sd = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(0.5 / self._latent_dim))
# User latent factors are normally distributed
user_bias = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=0.5, size=self._num_users)
user_factors = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=factor_sd,
size=(self._num_users, self._latent_dim))
# Item latent factors are normally distributed
item_bias = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=0.5, size=self._num_items)
item_factors = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=factor_sd,
size=(self._num_items, self._latent_dim))
# Shift up the mean
offset = 3.0
return user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset
class DatasetLatentFactor(LatentFactorBehavior):
"""An environment where user behavior is based on a dataset.
Latent factor model of behavior with parameters fit directly from full dataset.
name : str
The name of the dataset. Must be one of: 'ml-100k', 'ml-10m', 'lastfm'.
latent_dim : int
Size of latent factors p, q.
datapath : str
The path to the directory containing datafiles
force_retrain : bool
Forces retraining the latent factor model
max_num_users : int
The maximum number of users for the environment, if not the number in the dataset.
max_num_items : int
The maximum number of items for the environment, if not the number in the dataset.
def __init__(self, name, latent_dim=128, datapath=data_utils.DATA_DIR, force_retrain=False,
max_num_users=np.inf, max_num_items=np.inf, **kwargs):
"""Create a ML100K Latent Factor environment."""
self.dataset_name = name
if name == 'ml-100k':
self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'ml-100k'))
latent_dim = 100 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim
self._full_num_users = 943
self._full_num_items = 1682
# These parameters are the result of tuning.
reg = 0.1
learn_rate = 0.005
self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg,
learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=100)
elif name == 'ml-10m':
self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'ml-10M100K'))
latent_dim = 128 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim
self._full_num_users = 69878
self._full_num_items = 10677
# these parameters are presented in "On the Difficulty of Baselines" by Rendle et al.
reg = 0.04
learn_rate = 0.003
self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg,
learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=128)
elif name == 'lastfm':
self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'lastfm-dataset-1K'))
latent_dim = 128 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim
self._full_num_users = 992
self._full_num_items = 177023
# These parameters are presented in "Recommendations and User Agency" by Dean et al.
reg = 0.08
learn_rate = 0.001
self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg,
learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=128)
raise ValueError('dataset name not recognized')
self._force_retrain = force_retrain
num_users = min(self._full_num_users, max_num_users)
num_items = min(self._full_num_items, max_num_items)
super().__init__(latent_dim, num_users, num_items, **kwargs)
def name(self):
"""Name of environment, used for saving."""
return 'latent-{}'.format(self.dataset_name)
def _generate_latent_factors(self):
full_model_params = dict(num_user_features=0, num_item_features=0, num_rating_features=0,
num_two_way_factors=self._latent_dim, **self.train_params)
if self._num_users < self._full_num_users or self._num_items < self._full_num_items:
reduced_num_users_items = (min(self._num_users, self._full_num_users),
min(self._num_items, self._full_num_items))
reduced_num_users_items = None
# TODO: This is another source of randomness that isn't accounted for by our seeds.
# We probably want to make it more obvious that we need to snapshot the output when
# we want consistency across experiments.
return generate_latent_factors_from_data(self.dataset_name, self.datapath,
full_model_params, self._init_random,
def generate_latent_factors_from_data(dataset_name, datapath, params, random,
force_retrain=False, reduced_num_users_items=None):
"""Create latent factors based on a dataset."""
model_file = os.path.join(datapath, 'fm_model.npz')
if not os.path.isfile(model_file) or force_retrain:
print('Did not find model file at {}, loading data for training'.format(model_file))
users, items, ratings = data_utils.read_dataset(dataset_name)
print('Initializing latent factor model')
recommender = LibFM(**params)
recommender.reset(users, items, ratings)
print('Training latent factor model with parameters: {}'.format(params))
global_bias, weights, pairwise_interactions = recommender.model_parameters()
if len(weights) == 0:
weights = np.zeros(pairwise_interactions.shape[0])
# TODO: this logic is only correct if there are no additional user/item/rating features
# Note that we discard the original data's user_ids and item_ids at this step
user_indices = np.arange(params['max_num_users'])
item_indices = np.arange(params['max_num_users'],
params['max_num_users'] + params['max_num_items'])
user_factors = pairwise_interactions[user_indices]
user_bias = weights[user_indices]
item_factors = pairwise_interactions[item_indices]
item_bias = weights[item_indices]
offset = global_bias
params = json.dumps(recommender.hyperparameters)
np.savez(model_file, user_factors=user_factors, user_bias=user_bias,
item_factors=item_factors, item_bias=item_bias, offset=offset,
model = np.load(model_file)
print('Loading model from {} trained via:\n{}.'.format(model_file, model['params']))
user_factors = model['user_factors']
user_bias = model['user_bias']
item_factors = model['item_factors']
item_bias = model['item_bias']
offset = model['offset']
if reduced_num_users_items is not None:
num_users, num_items = reduced_num_users_items
# TODO: may want to reduce the number in some other way
# e.g. related to popularity
user_indices = random.choice(user_factors.shape[0], size=num_users,
item_indices = random.choice(item_factors.shape[0], size=num_items,
user_factors = user_factors[user_indices]
user_bias = user_bias[user_indices]
item_factors = item_factors[item_indices]
item_bias = item_bias[item_indices]
return user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset
def generate_latent_factors_from_data(dataset_name, datapath, params, random, force_retrain=False, reduced_num_users_items=None)
Create latent factors based on a dataset.
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def generate_latent_factors_from_data(dataset_name, datapath, params, random, force_retrain=False, reduced_num_users_items=None): """Create latent factors based on a dataset.""" model_file = os.path.join(datapath, 'fm_model.npz') if not os.path.isfile(model_file) or force_retrain: print('Did not find model file at {}, loading data for training'.format(model_file)) users, items, ratings = data_utils.read_dataset(dataset_name) print('Initializing latent factor model') recommender = LibFM(**params) recommender.reset(users, items, ratings) print('Training latent factor model with parameters: {}'.format(params)) global_bias, weights, pairwise_interactions = recommender.model_parameters() if len(weights) == 0: weights = np.zeros(pairwise_interactions.shape[0]) # TODO: this logic is only correct if there are no additional user/item/rating features # Note that we discard the original data's user_ids and item_ids at this step user_indices = np.arange(params['max_num_users']) item_indices = np.arange(params['max_num_users'], params['max_num_users'] + params['max_num_items']) user_factors = pairwise_interactions[user_indices] user_bias = weights[user_indices] item_factors = pairwise_interactions[item_indices] item_bias = weights[item_indices] offset = global_bias params = json.dumps(recommender.hyperparameters) np.savez(model_file, user_factors=user_factors, user_bias=user_bias, item_factors=item_factors, item_bias=item_bias, offset=offset, params=params) else: model = np.load(model_file) print('Loading model from {} trained via:\n{}.'.format(model_file, model['params'])) user_factors = model['user_factors'] user_bias = model['user_bias'] item_factors = model['item_factors'] item_bias = model['item_bias'] offset = model['offset'] if reduced_num_users_items is not None: num_users, num_items = reduced_num_users_items # TODO: may want to reduce the number in some other way # e.g. related to popularity user_indices = random.choice(user_factors.shape[0], size=num_users, replace=False) item_indices = random.choice(item_factors.shape[0], size=num_items, replace=False) user_factors = user_factors[user_indices] user_bias = user_bias[user_indices] item_factors = item_factors[item_indices] item_bias = item_bias[item_indices] return user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset
class DatasetLatentFactor (name, latent_dim=128, datapath='/home/sarah/recsys/recsys-eval/reclab/../data', force_retrain=False, max_num_users=inf, max_num_items=inf, **kwargs)
An environment where user behavior is based on a dataset.
Latent factor model of behavior with parameters fit directly from full dataset.
- The name of the dataset. Must be one of: 'ml-100k', 'ml-10m', 'lastfm'.
- Size of latent factors p, q.
- The path to the directory containing datafiles
- Forces retraining the latent factor model
- The maximum number of users for the environment, if not the number in the dataset.
- The maximum number of items for the environment, if not the number in the dataset.
Create a ML100K Latent Factor environment.
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class DatasetLatentFactor(LatentFactorBehavior): """An environment where user behavior is based on a dataset. Latent factor model of behavior with parameters fit directly from full dataset. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the dataset. Must be one of: 'ml-100k', 'ml-10m', 'lastfm'. latent_dim : int Size of latent factors p, q. datapath : str The path to the directory containing datafiles force_retrain : bool Forces retraining the latent factor model max_num_users : int The maximum number of users for the environment, if not the number in the dataset. max_num_items : int The maximum number of items for the environment, if not the number in the dataset. """ def __init__(self, name, latent_dim=128, datapath=data_utils.DATA_DIR, force_retrain=False, max_num_users=np.inf, max_num_items=np.inf, **kwargs): """Create a ML100K Latent Factor environment.""" self.dataset_name = name if name == 'ml-100k': self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'ml-100k')) latent_dim = 100 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim self._full_num_users = 943 self._full_num_items = 1682 # These parameters are the result of tuning. reg = 0.1 learn_rate = 0.005 self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg, learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=100) elif name == 'ml-10m': self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'ml-10M100K')) latent_dim = 128 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim self._full_num_users = 69878 self._full_num_items = 10677 # these parameters are presented in "On the Difficulty of Baselines" by Rendle et al. reg = 0.04 learn_rate = 0.003 self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg, learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=128) elif name == 'lastfm': self.datapath = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(datapath, 'lastfm-dataset-1K')) latent_dim = 128 if latent_dim is None else latent_dim self._full_num_users = 992 self._full_num_items = 177023 # These parameters are presented in "Recommendations and User Agency" by Dean et al. reg = 0.08 learn_rate = 0.001 self.train_params = dict(bias_reg=reg, one_way_reg=reg, two_way_reg=reg, learning_rate=learn_rate, num_iter=128) else: raise ValueError('dataset name not recognized') self._force_retrain = force_retrain num_users = min(self._full_num_users, max_num_users) num_items = min(self._full_num_items, max_num_items) super().__init__(latent_dim, num_users, num_items, **kwargs) @property def name(self): """Name of environment, used for saving.""" return 'latent-{}'.format(self.dataset_name) def _generate_latent_factors(self): full_model_params = dict(num_user_features=0, num_item_features=0, num_rating_features=0, max_num_users=self._full_num_users, max_num_items=self._full_num_items, num_two_way_factors=self._latent_dim, **self.train_params) if self._num_users < self._full_num_users or self._num_items < self._full_num_items: reduced_num_users_items = (min(self._num_users, self._full_num_users), min(self._num_items, self._full_num_items)) else: reduced_num_users_items = None # TODO: This is another source of randomness that isn't accounted for by our seeds. # We probably want to make it more obvious that we need to snapshot the output when # we want consistency across experiments. return generate_latent_factors_from_data(self.dataset_name, self.datapath, full_model_params, self._init_random, force_retrain=self._force_retrain, reduced_num_users_items=reduced_num_users_items)
Inherited members
class LatentFactorBehavior (latent_dim, num_users, num_items, rating_frequency=0.02, num_init_ratings=0, noise=0.0, memory_length=0, affinity_change=0.0, boredom_threshold=0, boredom_penalty=0.0, user_dist_choice='uniform')
An environment where users and items have latent factors and biases.
Ratings are generated as r = clip(
+ b_u + b_i + b_0 ) where p_u is a user's latent factor, q_i is an item's latent factor, b_u is a user bias, b_i is an item bias, and b_0 is a global bias. Parameters
- Size of latent factors p, q.
- The number of users in the environment.
- The number of items in the environment.
- The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step. Must be between 0 and 1.
- The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected.
- The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings.
- How much the user's latent factor is shifted towards that of an item.
- The number of recent items a user remembers which affect the rating.
- The size of the inner product between a new item and an item in the user's history to trigger a boredom response.
- The factor on the penalty on the rating when a user is bored. The penalty is the average of the values which exceed the boredom_threshold, and the decrease in rating is the penalty multiplied by this factor.
- The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal.
Create a Latent Factor environment.
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class LatentFactorBehavior(environment.DictEnvironment): """An environment where users and items have latent factors and biases. Ratings are generated as r = clip( <p_u, q_i> + b_u + b_i + b_0 ) where p_u is a user's latent factor, q_i is an item's latent factor, b_u is a user bias, b_i is an item bias, and b_0 is a global bias. Parameters ---------- latent_dim : int Size of latent factors p, q. num_users : int The number of users in the environment. num_items : int The number of items in the environment. rating_frequency : float The proportion of users that will need a recommendation at each step. Must be between 0 and 1. num_init_ratings : int The number of ratings available from the start. User-item pairs are randomly selected. noise : float The standard deviation of the noise added to ratings. affinity_change : float How much the user's latent factor is shifted towards that of an item. memory_length : int The number of recent items a user remembers which affect the rating. boredom_threshold : int The size of the inner product between a new item and an item in the user's history to trigger a boredom response. boredom_penalty : float The factor on the penalty on the rating when a user is bored. The penalty is the average of the values which exceed the boredom_threshold, and the decrease in rating is the penalty multiplied by this factor. user_dist_choice : str The choice of user distribution for selecting online users. By default, the subset of online users is chosen from a uniform distribution. Currently supports normal and lognormal. """ def __init__(self, latent_dim, num_users, num_items, rating_frequency=0.02, num_init_ratings=0, noise=0.0, memory_length=0, affinity_change=0.0, boredom_threshold=0, boredom_penalty=0.0, user_dist_choice='uniform'): """Create a Latent Factor environment.""" super().__init__(rating_frequency, num_init_ratings, memory_length, user_dist_choice) self._latent_dim = latent_dim self._num_users = num_users self._num_items = num_items self._noise = noise self._affinity_change = affinity_change self._boredom_threshold = boredom_threshold self._boredom_penalty = boredom_penalty if self._memory_length > 0: self._boredom_penalty /= self._memory_length self._user_factors = None self._user_biases = None self._item_factors = None self._item_biases = None self._offset = None @property def name(self): """Name of environment, used for saving.""" return 'latent' def _get_dense_ratings(self): # noqa: D102 ratings = (self._user_factors @ self._item_factors.T + self._user_biases[:, np.newaxis] + self._item_biases[np.newaxis, :] + self._offset) # Compute the boredom penalties. item_norms = np.linalg.norm(self._item_factors, axis=1) normalized_items = self._item_factors / item_norms[:, np.newaxis] similarities = normalized_items @ normalized_items.T similarities -= self._boredom_threshold similarities[similarities < 0] = 0 penalties = self._boredom_penalty * similarities for user_id in range(self._num_users): for item_id in self._user_histories[user_id]: if item_id is not None: ratings[user_id] -= penalties[item_id] return ratings def _get_rating(self, user_id, item_id): """Compute user's rating of item based on model. Parameters ---------- user_id : int The id of the user making the rating. item_id : int The id of the item being rated. Returns ------- rating : int The rating the item was given by the user. """ raw_rating = (self._user_factors[user_id] @ self._item_factors[item_id] + self._user_biases[user_id] + self._item_biases[item_id] + self._offset) # Compute the boredom penalty. boredom_penalty = 0 for item_id_hist in self._user_histories[user_id]: item_factor = self._item_factors[item_id_hist] if item_factor is not None: similarity = ((self._item_factors[item_id] @ item_factor) / np.linalg.norm(item_factor) / np.linalg.norm(self._item_factors[item_id])) if similarity > self._boredom_threshold: boredom_penalty += (similarity - self._boredom_threshold) boredom_penalty *= self._boredom_penalty rating = np.clip(raw_rating - boredom_penalty + self._dynamics_random.randn() * self._noise, 1, 5) return rating def _rate_item(self, user_id, item_id): """Get a user to rate an item and update the internal rating state. Parameters ---------- user_id : int The id of the user making the rating. item_id : int The id of the item being rated. Returns ------- rating : int The rating the item was given by the user. """ rating = self._get_rating(user_id, item_id) # Updating underlying affinity self._user_factors[user_id] = ((1.0 - self._affinity_change) * self._user_factors[user_id] + self._affinity_change * self._item_factors[item_id]) return rating def _reset_state(self): """Reset the state of the environment.""" user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset = self._generate_latent_factors() self._user_factors = user_factors self._user_biases = user_bias self._item_factors = item_factors self._item_biases = item_bias self._offset = offset self._users = collections.OrderedDict((user_id, np.zeros(0)) for user_id in range(self._num_users)) self._items = collections.OrderedDict((item_id, np.zeros(0)) for item_id in range(self._num_items)) def _generate_latent_factors(self): """Generate random latent factors.""" # Initialization size determined such that ratings generally fall in 0-5 range factor_sd = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(0.5 / self._latent_dim)) # User latent factors are normally distributed user_bias = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=0.5, size=self._num_users) user_factors = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=factor_sd, size=(self._num_users, self._latent_dim)) # Item latent factors are normally distributed item_bias = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=0.5, size=self._num_items) item_factors = self._init_random.normal(loc=0., scale=factor_sd, size=(self._num_items, self._latent_dim)) # Shift up the mean offset = 3.0 return user_factors, user_bias, item_factors, item_bias, offset
- DictEnvironment
- Environment
- abc.ABC
Inherited members